Is it possible for Christians to believe the same thing? Should we be content with division?
The human race is one. Whether from Africa, Asia, Europe, or the Middle East there is only one people-type on Earth. Each and all have faces with similar features and functions. Each and all have hands and feet. All are capable of appreciating beauty, music, and art. All communicate in at least one language that others understand. In spite of efforts by some to distinguish people on the basis of superiority or inferiority, evidence proves otherwise. Humans are unique from all other types and forms of life, and all humans share a common humanity.
However, our common humanity does not equate to common beliefs. Even where humans share similar beliefs, differences are virtually limitless. There are thousands of religions, sects, and isms. All are splintered into many parts, each holding its own distinct set of philosophies, beliefs, ethics, lifestyles, and expressions. Among them, as explained by Frances M. Young in The Making of the Creeds, only Christianity has homogeneity based on orthodox beliefs.
Two ancient documents, the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed state the beliefs that span the major branches of Christianity – Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. What are these creeds? How and when did they come about? What do they state? Who developed them? Why are they considered important? In the next few Blogs, we will investigate this important matter and consider how it relates to Jesus’ prayer.