Does Abortion Cause the Greatest Damage to Children?
Statistically, in America the annual number of abortions and divorces do not greatly differ. Most of us would agree that taking the life of an unborn baby without a reasonable cause is unimaginably cruel. Can we also agree that the breakup of a family damages the lives of its children? In both cases, the action of adults, often selfish, inflicts horrible harm on innocent offspring! The fact is that each year, divorce damages more children than abortions.
American girls suffer from sexual abuse at the alarming rate of one out of every four! Boys suffer less, one of 20, but that too is alarming. Shockingly, some of this damage is inflicted by Christian priests, and ministers. Even more outrageous is that some of these have been outspoken critics of abortion.
Jesus did not mention gun violence, but neither did He mention abortion. Because abortion is such a controversy, shouldn’t gun violence be considered too – especially since too often children are the victims? Guns in America kill thousands of youths each year. The CDC now rates gun violence as the number one cause of child mortality. Not statistically counted is the number of young people who are injured physically or psychologically by the gun violence that they experience or witness. Are Christians as concerned about the sanctity of these lives as they are about the unborn?
If Christians consider it essential to campaign for the lives of the unborn, shouldn’t Christians equally campaign for marriage fidelity, ministry ethics, and gun safety?