Appreciating the Opponents of Roe vs. Wade

And hopefully exposing the tactics of those who exploit their beliefs

As I wrote in a previous blog, I have always detested the Roe vs. Wade decision. To me, it never fully addressed the issues that Americans have with abortion. I believe that it needed to be changed. For years since the ruling in 1973, religious organizations opposed it and sought through legal and political means to overturn it. Finally, in 2022, the United States Supreme Court did. To me that was needed. However, was the abortion issue really solved?

It is a strength of American democracy that issues of differing opinions are weighed in the courts and in elections. Many Americans believe that it is a moral issue that ultimately rests with the Divine court of heaven. Christians are not alone in this opinion. Are we willing to listen to the Divine court? Are we open to the conversations that the Lord Jesus wants to have with us?

In addressing this issue as a controversy that might overshadow even more important matters, I do not intend to undervalue the beliefs and legal actions based upon those beliefs. I respect those who stand for what is right and defend the rights of those who are unable. Please continue to do so humbly, while considering the sanctity of lives of both the unborn and the born of all people. Such a stance reflects the grace and love of God for all human beings. Please act on your beliefs without turning opponents into enemies. To do so allows political entities to manipulate sincere beliefs and values into support for their interests. Political demagogues prey upon deeply-held values that can serve as wedges to divide, providing a following for themselves. With this realization in mind, is there any wonder that certain issues become “hot buttons” and highly controversial? Please don’t fall for it; instead, if you join such campaigns, hold the leaders accountable for values of equal importance.

Can we agree that we must endeavor to hear the Lord Jesus Christ for the truth?

I believe that this subject has a place as we Christians consider Jesus’ prayer for oneness of His followers. The book Echo of Jesus’ Prayer – in the Church has more to say about this oneness.