What is my personal viewpoint and motivation in writing this blog?
Around ten years ago, I received a telephone call from a pollster who asked me if I was pro-life or pro-choice. I answered, “Neither.” My response troubled the caller, who asked how I could have such an opinion. I did my best to explain.
Actually, I have held a strong opinion since Roe v. Wade was rendered in 1973. I recall exactly where I was when I heard the news report of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision announced on my car radio in 1973 while I was driving home from work. I was furious! How could destroying unborn babies be legalized?
However, in the years between that Supreme Court decision and the call from that pollster, I had come to realize that the issue was extremely complex. What about the life of the mother? What about instances of pregnancy caused by rape or incest? What about the physical and mental health of the mother? What role does a medical or psychiatric doctor have?
At the time of the call from the pollster, I had not studied the positions of the two opposing groups; nonetheless, it was clear to me that both took extreme positions. One considered abortion wrong exclusively for moral reasons, and the other wanted the freedom to abort a child solely on the mother’s decision. One speaks about “the sanctity of life” while often embracing ideas about the legitimacy of taking life. The other often dismisses any moral responsibility, insisting that it is solely up to the mother to choose what occurs to the baby in her body. One is compassionate to unborn babies, but often judgmental toward mothers. The other considers the concerns of mothers, but shows little consideration for the unborn.
Then, there is the role of politics. The two opposing camps coincide with the conservative and liberal opinions of the Republican and Democratic parties. I identify with neither; thus, my response. Politics is a factor in the controversy. It was when the religious right, as they were called, made abortion an issue in the 2000 US presidential election that Christians were called upon to take a political stand. The effect is not only has the issue divided Americans, it has also divided believers and followers of Jesus Christ. I believe that the oneness of Jesus’ followers is encouraged by common knowledge of Jesus – who He is and what He said.