Author: martinsmanuelbooks

Jesus and Religious Hypocrisy

Words from Jesus What does Jesus say? I wrote some words about Jesus in the first blog, but I will not venture to speak for Jesus Christ about the abortion controversy. Nonetheless, I will say that Jesus had something to say to religious people who point the finger at what they consider the sins of […]

A Few Personal Words

What is my personal viewpoint and motivation in writing this blog? Around ten years ago, I received a telephone call from a pollster who asked me if I was pro-life or pro-choice.  I answered, “Neither.”  My response troubled the caller, who asked how I could have such an opinion.  I did my best to explain. […]

The Abortion Controversy

Is abortion the greatest threat to children in America?  Is it the nation’s worst moral failure? If not, why is it so controversial? To say that abortion is a controversial topic in the United States of America is an understatement.  The topic is such a hot button that it has been a central issue in […]

The New People of God

As we saw in the two previous blogs, the Old Testament and New Testament agree that God has people. Indeed, he has a covenant with people, and those people are his through an Anointed one – a Messiah or Christ – who leads them in their covenant relationship with God. Who are these people?  Are […]

The People of God in the New Testament

We saw in the previous blog that the Bible’s Old Testament had much to say about the people of God.  Now we will look at the New Testament.  But first, why are there two “testaments?”  According to Peloubet’s Bible Dictionary, p. 445: “The name Testament is derived from the Latin Testamentum, an erroneous translation of […]

Who are the True People of God?

Are they those who believe in Christianity or Judaism or Islam?  Are they white people from Europe or black people from Africa or the indigenous people from North and South America? Many years ago, I read The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, a book by Herbert W. Armstrong that claimed that Europeans and […]

Why did First Megachurch Cease to Exist?

Why didn’t Jerusalem become a fully Christian city?  With the steady growth that took place from Pentecost 31 AD through the 30 years or so of James’ oversight, couldn’t the number of Christians have become a majority of the population?  Wouldn’t that have been a good thing?  What if this growth had so spread throughout […]