Is abortion the greatest threat to children in America? Is it the nation’s worst moral failure? If not, why is it so controversial?
To say that abortion is a controversial topic in the United States of America is an understatement. The topic is such a hot button that it has been a central issue in the American national elections over the past twenty years. Many American Christians are at the center of the controversy, opposing abortions and those who advocate them. To these Christians I ask, would Jesus be in this controversy as you are?
Most Christians cite the Ten Commandments as their source of moral and ethical law, but the Ten Commandments do not mention abortion. Yes, the sixth commandment is about murder, but do any Old Testament passages suggest that abortion was considered murder? What about the New Testament? In fact, the Bible does not mention abortion in either the Old or New Testaments. History documents that abortion was practiced anciently long before the books of the Bible were written. Why then is abortion not specifically addressed there?
If Jesus addressed American Christians about moral failure, what would He say? Would He put abortion at the top of the list? Abortion most certainly is our controversy; would it be for Jesus?
Although I ask that question, I do not speak for Jesus. So, what’s my angle? Which side am I on? What is my motivation for writing a blog on this highly controversial subject? Certainly I do not have all the answers. But what I have is a calling as a follower Jesus Christ to tell the good news for all of us. That is my motivation.
I can say definitely that Jesus Christ is for those on both sides of this controversy. He came and gave His life for all of us that instead of dying and becoming extinct as a species, we would become what we were created to be – God’s creation in His image, His children enjoying life forever with Him and without all of the ills that plague us. More than anyone, He understands people on both sides of the controversy and loves them all. He has a special interest in those who believe in Him and are trying to live in conformance with His teaching. In the next Blog, I intend to explain my personal viewpoint. Not that my viewpoint has any bearing on this subject; rather I hope to make clear that our controversy needs to consider some equally or even more important matters.